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Work Wednesday

Sophomore utilizes technology skills as ITS consultant

Liam Sheehan | Staff Photographer

Mike Banks works with around 20 other people as well as the full-time staff as a consultant for Syracuse University's Information Technology Services.

When sophomore Mike Banks’ dad told him about an opportunity to work for Information Technology Services on campus, Banks knew it would be something he was interested in.

The aerospace engineering major said his interest in computers comes from his engineering mindset and how he is naturally drawn to working with electronics.

He now works for ITS as a consultant where he helps the student body with computer issues. Prior to getting hired, Banks underwent training on the different programs and procedures followed at the service center.

Another part of training was being friendly and providing good customer service. Though students can drop off their computers for consultants to work on, there is still a lot of student interaction.

“Most of our work is sitting down with students and figuring out the problem with them right there,” he said.

In addition to learning more about computers, Banks said this job has taught him to be more tolerant of people and patient in stressful situations.

Banks works with around 20 other people as well as the full-time ITS staff. As the second job he’s ever had, Banks said the job has allowed him to make new friends and meet new people.

The students are not all from one major. Banks said there are other engineering majors, computer science majors and a lot of students in the School of Information Studies working at ITS.

Banks said the work most closely aligns with computer science, which he hopes to take electives in next year. Banks also has plans to pursue a master’s degree in business in addition to his engineering degree.

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