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Duck: Skyler Rivera

Asst. digital editor | Fall 2020; Asst. sports editor | Spring 2021; Sports editor | Fall 2021

Illustration by Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration editor

Wow, I didn’t think I would make it here. Three weeks into the semester, I made phone calls to tell others that I was resigning as sports editor. I had written my letter of resignation and really thought it through. But I decided to stay.

Stay. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

Connor: Connor, you’re going to be an amazing sports editor. You have grown so much since you stepped into the sports office as a copy editor last spring. I’m so proud of who you have become and I have no doubt you’re going to lead the section with courage and grace. One piece of advice, be stern — that’s something I’m not. But you are. If you need anything, I’m always a phone call away — be nice to Tia. Godspeed.

Crane: Andrew, thanks for being my favorite person to laugh with, cry with, dance with and live this wild semester with. I wouldn’t be writing this duck without you and everything you’ve seen me through this semester. Thank you for loving me when I was at my worst. Love you. ❤️

Roshan: Roshan, I’ve failed you in a sense. I YOLO’d but I didn’t kiss everyone this semester. But, I hope I’ve served you well as your predecessor. The sports section still exists, many thanks to you. Thank you for teaching me everything you know, and guiding me through tough decisions. To many more years of friendship and big-time bylines!

Anish: Anish, my man. Shoutout to your save print journalism playlist for saving my life this semester. So many California bangers — too good. You’re creative and destined for amazing things. Keep the faith — you’re going to be big someday. Maybe Rolling Stone is in your future?

Anthony: Anthony, Mr. DME, keeper of the newsletter. Continue having fun, expressing your creativity — it shines through your work and sets you apart. I can’t wait to see where you take digital. Here’s a parting poem: Best of luck, Cleveland sucks.

Adam: Adam, it’s been great watching you grow into a great writer. You came into production each day with creative ideas and a passion for your work. You have grown tremendously since the spring and I can’t wait to see where you go with the WICE beat and beyond. Keep up the good work, mazel tov!

Alex: Alex, I loved watching you flourish into an amazing writer and editor this semester. You bring thoughtful story ideas to every pitch meeting and are careful in your work, which sets you apart. You’re destined to climb the ranks and succeed. I’m looking forward to what you do as an assistant, beyond and post-graduation. Big things are in store. Keep up the grind.

Henry: Hank, you’ve been an absolute joy to have on staff. Your dedication to the publication and your work are unmatched. Keep grinding and you’ll go far. Thanks for always bringing a smile into the sports office. Go Dodgers! (One day I’ll get you a gluten-free pizza from Varsity, just wait.)

Cole, Piggy and Spencer: Congratulations on joining the in-house staff. Be a sponge, learn something new every day. I can’t wait to see what you guys can do. As always, I’m a phone call away if you need anything.

Youngins: Keep pitching stories, keep showing up to Sunday meeting, keep grinding. I promise it’s all worth it in the end. Be a sponge, soak up all the knowledge you can while at The Daily Orange — its priceless information will take you far. Learn from one another, and I can’t wait to see what you all write. Rock on!

KJ: KJ, you’ve played such a pivotal role in my story as a writer, editor and person. Thank you for always being there at any time of the day and night for a phone call. Also, most importantly, thanks for convincing me not to resign. It’s been the best decision I’ve made in college. Thank you. To life long friendship. ❤️

Danny: Danny, I’ll never forget the day I walked into 230 Euclid ready to tell you I wasn’t going to write because I had joined CitrusTV. Thank you for convincing me. The D.O. has brought me so much joy and taught me irreplaceable lessons. And it was all because you convinced me to join as a beat writer. Thank you for always encouraging me and being a guiding voice. Go Dodgers!

Dab: Dab, you made working at The D.O. fun. Thanks for always providing a laugh and for being a friend. Go Dodgers!

Katie: Katie, thank you for guiding me through the toughest time. You had my back when the world was dark and you extended your hand. Thank you. I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me and continue to do for The D.O. I’m honored to have you as a friend and a mentor. To many more years of laughs, phone calls and hopefully meeting in person!

Emily, Abby and Mandy: LADIEZZZZZZZ, thanks for being there at all hours of the day for everything and anything. From reading sports stories to just chatting, it’s been amazing working with you. Thank you for the best semester in house. SPROTS.

Allie: Allie, my D.O. experience wouldn’t have been the same without you. Thank you for always being there. I can’t wait to see what you do in the future. May your Twitter followers be plenty.

Mom, Ramon Salmon and Kenny: I did it! Thanks for supporting me through this wild, intense semester. It’s been a rollercoaster but we made it. Thanks for being fans of me and fans of the D.O. To Kenny, thanks for being there when the stories came in late and I needed some emotional support. We’ll go get a pupcup at Dunkin’ soon. Much love to you all. ❤️

219 Clarendon: Long gone are the late nights sneaking in our place after midnight. Here’s to quieter nights and more sleep before morning practice.

All my therapists: Thanks for not letting me quit and for listening to me cry over the student newspaper that stole my heart.

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