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Guest Column

After a dreadful year, COVID-19 vaccine finally provides hope

Sarah Lee | Asst. Photo Editor

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The most important thing I’ve witnessed in my nearly four decades building a multibillion-dollar corporation on four different continents is the resilience of our human race.

We fall down. But we always get back up.

It’s been a long haul since mid-March. And now there is an approved vaccine with others on the way.

Moreover, for those with COVID-19, there are sophisticated treatments reducing the fatality rates and bringing us hope.

Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant to protect ourselves and our neighbors from spreading the disease. Health care facilities and professionals are being relied on like never before. They are tired but continue to fight. They deserve our heartfelt gratitude.

But this is not about the trials and tribulations of the last nine months. It’s about optimism and celebrating the power of humanity. As humans, we’ve not only overcome and solved the riddle of how to beat this virus, but we have the capacity to pause and think about how to create an even better life for ourselves, our families and our community.

Let’s start with you. If you are reading this, you’ve made it through the gauntlet. You’re alive. 

Yes, there may be additional health and psychological battles still to be fought. But the past nine months give me hope that whatever time we have on this planet, we can make it better for ourselves. Eat a little healthier, walk a little bit more, cut back a little on those things you already know aren’t good for you.

Most importantly, you must try to figure out what keeps you from taking care of yourself in the way you know you should. Not easy, I know. I struggle myself! But, we can’t stop trying.

As far as financial improvement is concerned, we are months away from the world blossoming again. The economy may go through its ups and downs, but my crystal ball tells me we have another “roaring 20s” coming again!  Travel, entertainment, restaurants, theaters, sports and so many other industries will open and flourish soon!

So, who among us can start to imagine how to participate? There will be a surge of wealth creation, job openings and financial independence for those who work hard to be part of it.

Look around that curve in the road and ask yourself how you can participate. Finish school? Update the resume? Change jobs and join a growth industry? Invest time or money in those industries you think will flourish? Now is the time to make a plan. The world will open again in the very near future.

And lastly, the sense of loneliness, disparity, boredom, melancholy, diminishment will be lessened. It won’t go away entirely for everyone, but the opportunity to socialize, physically embrace and care for one another in person will be cathartic and healthy.

What a joy it will be to see friends and family and finally express in person all that you have felt and want to feel.

When I read about the vaccine, I don’t pay attention to the politics and conspiracies. Instead, I see triumph and cause for celebration!

The future can, will, and must be brighter. I’ll do my part to build teams to make that happen.

All of us should be part of that effort.  Be well, be safe, be vigilant, be positive and think creatively. All of us can prosper in our own ways going forward.

Congratulations to the human race!


Andrew Berlin, ‘83

SU Trustee & Executive Committee Member

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