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Duck: Andy Mendes

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

I guarantee the phrase I have said the most during my time at Syracuse is “Sorry, I can’t, I have the D.O. tonight.” A lot of people don’t get why I spent so much time at 744 Ostrom, but I hope these goodbyes shed some light onto why I have.

To everyone I’ve ever interviewed on The Promenade: Thank you for indulging me in the most fun I’ve had on this campus. You always answer every dumb, fake and silly question I’ve ever asked, and made me a pseudo-celebrity at Syracuse which was lowkey my dream.

Clare: Thank you for “hiring” me, teaching me InDesign, and making sure I stayed at The D.O. after the truly harrowing first night I had. Send me more Twitter DMs about Big Brother this summer, I know you’ll have thoughts.

Jon: You’re a star. Thanks for placing my stories during Design Meeting.

Ad Staff & Mike: I loved getting to join your weekly meetings, I’ll miss seeing the hard work that goes into making sure editorial can exist. I won’t miss the weekly ice breakers.

Haley: The paper is in such capable hands with you leading. You have this quiet energy that radiates confidence. Let’s sing a Mamma Mia medley together one last time before I leave.

Molly: To be honest, I wish we spent more time together, because all the time I’ve spent with you has been so much fun. I’ve been so impressed with your talent as a Photo Editor and I can’t wait for you to continue to grow with the rest of your time on campus. I hope one day someone loves me as much as you love Ben Walsh.

Laura: I still feel guilty about your laptop, even though I know I had nothing to do with it breaking. You killed it here and I’ve loved seeing you at every single Theta event this year.

Sam: You’re the hardest worker I know and spending time with you and Ali in MGMT are some of the times I laughed the hardest. Thanks for keeping me calm during Football Guide and let’s listen to some 2014 Annie Soundtrack songs before I graduate.

Aishwarya: I wish I was as sure of myself as you are. Getting closer to you last semester was an unexpected perk of being a Head Ed, and I am so excited to see where you go in the world, because I know it’ll be far. Next time we get boba, please remember the straws.

Sarah A: Thanks for listening to my dumb illustration ideas during Head Eds. You’re incredibly talented and I can’t wait to see your work in art museums in the future.

Mike Escalante: Sorry for being the least knowledgeable Digital Editor you ever worked with. Thanks for always saying you could do my impossible ideas.

Alex: My favorite Evan Malloy superfan! From our time glancing across the room in Portfolio to us spending an entire GRA 217 lab chatting, I loved every second with you. Your international Insta game is killing it and we need to see each other soon.

Kevin: Not gonna lie, still a little bitter that you quit on me, but I trust you won’t walk out on Amy. You have so much more talent than you know, and I know your drive will take Digital to new heights. Your “Call Me By Your Name” takes are still trash, but you know I’ll still laugh at anything you say.

Amy: I remember teaching you how to design in print, and you made a comment on how to crop the photo, and after I took your suggestion, it looked way better. That’s when I knew you’d be a shining star at this organization. I could not be more excited for you to join the Digital Editor family, and I know you’ll be doing great things in the web room.

Lauren: I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with a more defined aesthetic. You know exactly who you are, what you’re passionate about, and how you’re going to get what you want. Thanks for hanging in Digital, even when we played Hilary Duff.

Bridget: Bridget, NO! Our time at post head eds was some of my favorite memories last semester. I’ve always admired your spirit and know how on everything print. You made the PD position all it’s own this year and I’m looking forward to see what you do.

Eliza: Nothing will ever match the pure joy I felt after watching your Coke snap for the first time. Thanks for being the quiet After Effects warrior in Digital for the year you were here. You were such an integral part of Snapchat being as successful as it was and your talent will take you far.

Digital Room Door: Thanks for always being there for me when I was sharing confidential information.

Amanda: Your smile makes me smile and I wish I was half as kind as you are. The D.O. Video team would literally be nowhere with your hard work and dedication. I’m still bitter I was robbed of a whole extra year with you, but I know we’ll be working together sometime in the future.

Diana: I’m so happy you joined The D.O. last semester because we just became friends instantly. Your energy is infectious and I can’t help but laugh at everything you say. Sorry I kept skipping Jewish Humor and Satire, but I think we both now know how funny we truly are. Mazel Tov!

Talia: I never once bought your sweet, nice girl act. You’ve always someone who knows exactly what they want and is going to get it. Seeing you grow in your two years here has been a pleasure to watch, and I can’t wait to see how you take the paper to new heights visually.

Catherine: I’ve never met someone who was so passionate about getting a booth in as you were. I can’t wait to watch you as managing editor next semester, you’ll be doing big things. Make sure the parties next year have at minimum one Legally Blonde the Musical song for me.

Susie: When you interviewed for Digital Design Editor, you had such a smart and sweet spark that made me immediately know you had to work here. You’re wild and wacky and make the digital room a brighter place. Please keep in touch, I need to hear about all the wild time you have in ADV. Just promise me you won’t drink any more raw egg whites.

Audra: I loved seeing everyone at 744 get to recognize your talents. Thanks for all our ad gossip sessions in the art director’s closet, it’s nice to not do that in Newhouse for a change. Your kind heart and good spirit is going to take you to god knows where, but I for one, can’t wait to see it. Can you send your next illustrations on 11×17 paper please?

Sandhya: Your calm presence was much appreciated in Digital last year, you balanced out our constant screaming. You amaze me with your ability to tackle any problem presented in front of you rationally and quickly. Sorry we never got that last game of Mario Kart in, but you know I’ll be back, so we can do it soon.

Ally: My favorite 2 month long roommate! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not rushing around campus. I love seeing you excel at everything you do, and it’s because the pure passion you pour into it. The only mistake I’ve ever seen you make is signing a lease at The Marshall.

Matthew: You’ve been the best roommate, even though I’ve seen you in the apartment definitely less than fifty times this year. I admire your work ethic because you’ll stop at nothing to tell someone’s story as accurately as possible. Let’s catch a game at PNC Park soon.

Danny: I remember seeing you in Whitman before you came in house and thinking you were just another unapproachable DSP boy. Now I know you’re a very approachable DSP boy who loves his watches and ball caps. Thanks for always giving me a hug when we see each other.

Sarah S: I’m glad you made the jump to Digital this semester because I was craving more time with you. We both annoy everyone else in that room with how much we bounce off each other with hyper energy. You’ve killed it at every position you’ve touched in this house, and I’m sure you’ll be amazing at Assistant. I’ll come back next year, save your cheese for me.

Schafer: God, finance sucked. But our slacking made it marginally better. Our friendship last year was unexpected, but I’m thankful for it. I can’t wait to flip through channels and hear “Aaaaaand we’re back!” on ESPN someday.

Mackenzie: Your pure passion for everything you do is something I envy. You are one of the most versatile people to ever step foot in 744, and your ability to make friends wherever you go will take you so, so, so far. I’m sad I won’t be on the West Coast with you this summer, but I know you’ll do amazing. Thanks for being my go-to AOTP point girl, even when we forget the mic.

Maeve: I’m so happy I hired you. Being a Head Editor your second semester in house is crazy and only someone as crazy as you could pull it off. I love our mutual love of Dancing on My Own, even though the Robyn version is better. I hope you know how smart and capable you are. Let’s hang this summer and talk some analytics.

Katie: Some of my favorite memories with you were us sitting in the back of our psych class loudly talking and ignoring the professor. I miss having my partner in crime who has exactly the same taste in pop culture as me. Let’s grab dinner and brainstorm how we’ll become Twitter famous in NYC.

Anna: I’m sorry for not standing up for you every time Emma bullied you into getting her water. We’ve come a long way, from me teaching you how graphics worked on a janky desktop to giggling and gossiping at every single D.O. function. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come, and how much you’ve given to this paper. It was a pleasure talking pup food with you.

Alexa Diaz: I remember every time you caught me, Lucy and Emma goofing off during Head Eds, you’d shoot me a look like a slightly disapproving mom. And that’s exactly what our relationship was, a mother who always believed in me and knew how to push me to be better, and when to tell me to work on my ideas. I wish I was in LA this summer so we could see each other but I know we’ll be united soon.

Alexa Torrens: I think our humor just operated on the same wavelength. We always had the same opinions and that’s why we instantly clicked. I’m sad we never sold our pilot for the D.O. reality show, but I guess it’s never too late to pursue our dreams. Let’s FaceTime again when new Ariana music drops.

Sabrina: The only good thing to come out of Portfolio was our wine-filled concepting nights. You are someone who makes every late night a blast and knows exactly how to tell a story and make it as funny as possible. You’re so incredibly talented and I look forward to double dating with you and Frank.

Ali: You know when you see someone across a room and a little voice in the back of your head says “they should be your friend?” That’s what happened when you came to your first Sunday meeting. And that little voice was right. You are the perfect person to go to about anything at all, and I’ve gone to you with just about everything. I’ve missed you so much this semester, but I know our time is far from over. From thirsting over Brad from Bon Appetit to screaming Honey, Honey at parties, things are better when we’re together. You could say we get along like Mac & Cheese.

Lydia: Not having you in the house this semester was harder than I expected. I miss the stupid moments like mispronouncing horoscope names with you and emailing Antoni’s management at 1 a.m. to try to get him on The Promenade. But I also miss my friend who will give me the best advice on whatever problem I’m having, no matter the scale. I expect weekly FaceTimes next year with tea updates, and I can’t wait to see how you take everything you’ve learned here and apply to your own amazing career. Next spring break let’s party in Mykonos, b*tch.

Rori: Wowwi! When we’re together the jokes just flow. I think we have the most inside jokes together than anyone else in house. From Butter Chicken to Good Uncle Tofu to Munchickens, we just get each other’s humor (and apparently only have jokes involving food I’m now realizing). You’re the only person I know that I can snap at one night from stress, and the next day we’ll be fine because we understand each other that well. I’m glad we’re spending another summer together, and I’m honored you call me a friend.

Tomer: It’s been tough running the dance floor at D.O. parties without you, but I think you’d be proud. You are the kindest person I know and you know exactly what to say to make someone feel better. From Hannukah Turningstone pregames to Hawaii Sumner parties to walks back home to Ernie, every moment with you with a moment well spent. We need to do some Gasolina karaoke asap.

Rachel: I don’t know if you remember, but you were the only person to talk to me at my first D.O. Halloween party. I think we talked about basic stuff like how I was enjoying freshman year and my first article for Pulp. Now I can talk to you about anything from Carly Rae Jepsen to our personal drama. I don’t think you know how thankful I am that we’re friends, because I know you’ll always tell me what I need to hear in that moment. Thanks for coming out and saying hi when I wandered past your house in golf attire. Let’s grab a cocktail at SUR.

Brigid: Concept: we’ve always been destined to be best friends. From us being at the same Ingrid Michaelson concert at Stage AE to random Whitman marketing classes, the universe wants us to be together. The universe has impeccable taste because you make me so much better. I wish you could understand how insanely happy I am when I’m around you, and how much positivity you inject into everything we do. Can’t wait to drink White Claws, cackle at our own tweets and scream ABBA medleys with you in New York.

Lucy: I knew we’d be best friends after we survived that hellish game of Honors laser tag freshman year. I know I give you grief for it a lot, but I’ve always been jealous of how much you care about The D.O. You’ve given your all to this paper, including teaching me almost everything I know about design, but you’ve also given me a lifelong friendship. There’s nothing that brightens my day more when you send me a funny dog meme or when I see you’re eating at Beer Belly for the third time that week, because everything about you makes me smile. Thanks for always being someone I can go to about anything. We need to finish “Love after Lockup” as soon as possible, so let’s order some mac and cheese and settle into bed to binge the entire show all over again. Love you more than you’ll ever know.

Emma: I can’t believe the first person I met at college would be one of the most important people in my entire life. What are the odds? I wish you could understand how in awe I am of you. I’ve never met someone who pushes themselves are hard as you do, from coding your own website just because you can or graduating on time with two demanding majors. You designed my first resume to apply to The D.O. and you helped me and the digital section grow into the powerhouse it is currently. But more than that, you helped me grow into a better person. You’ve taught me compassion and tenacity, and how to stand up for myself. I’m sorry about the time I brought ants on a log for pup food, but I’ll make it up with a gin-a-tonic at Lucy’s. Love you lots.

18-year-old Andy: I know that right now you’re worried. Worried you picked the wrong college. Worried you aren’t going to have friends. Worried your feelings aren’t normal and make you wrong and gross. I just want to tell you that you’ll be ok. Syracuse is exactly where you need to be, and you’ll meet exactly who you’re supposed to meet, and who you are is exactly perfect. It’ll be fine, so calm down and relax. Love you, from someone who knows you need it.

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