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Editorial Board

Incoming SA leadership should hold SU officials accountable in wake of Theta Tau expulsion

Kai Nguyen | Photo Editor

One of Ghufran Salih and Kyle Rosenblum's central Student Association campaign promises was advocating on behalf of marginalized student communities.

As Syracuse University administrators respond to calls for institutional change in the wake of Theta Tau’s expulsion, The Daily Orange Editorial Board calls on Student Association President-elect Ghufran Salih and Vice President-elect Kyle Rosenblum to fulfill their campaign promises next fall by advocating for marginalized student communities.

And Salih and Rosenblum can’t be afraid to stand up to administrators to amplify the voices and needs of communities who feel excluded from conversations among high-ranking SU officials.

The best way to diversify student life at SU is to allow students to speak on behalf of their own communities. If Salih and Rosenblum can help foster an environment where that’s encouraged, they’ll not only solidify their own legacy but revitalize campus for generations of students to come.

As Salih and Rosenblum transition into leadership positions next fall, it’s crucial they recognize that institutional change won’t happen overnight, but holding both themselves and the administration accountable is essential in fostering a more diverse and inclusive community in both the short and long term.

Salih and Rosenblum, during their SA campaign, focused on a need for expanded resources at campus resource centers, including the LGBT Resource Center and the Slutzker Center for International Services. They also emphasized the importance of accessibility and representation for underrepresented student communities, specifically through academic diversity requirements.

Recognize Us, a student-led advocacy group that formed following Theta Tau’s initial suspension and eventual expulsion from campus, has given SU a list of demands with a deadline of Sept. 3 for the implementation of major, campus-wide policy changes. The summer is a key period for the SA president-elect and vice president-elect to continue to pressure administrators over those demands.

Salih and Rosenblum must ensure that the conversations started at SU in the wake of Theta Tau’s expulsion continue into next year and well beyond that.

The Daily Orange Editorial Board serves as the voice of the organization and aims to contribute the perspectives of students to discussions that concern Syracuse University and the greater Syracuse community. The editorial board’s stances are determined by a majority of its members. You can read more about the editorial board here. Are you interested in pitching a topic for the editorial board to discuss? Email


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