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Student Life Column

The D.O.’s new Student Life columnist looks forward to his last semester at ‘Cusechella’

Sarah Allam | Head Illustrator

When you think of student life, people inside the Orange bubble may think of sports games, tender days in the dining hall or jean jackets with fur collars. But what makes student life at SU special — even more so than Tender Thursday — is its diversity.

This isn’t limited to racial diversity, even though that’s an important aspect. The diversity that makes Syracuse engaging is the student body’s different interests, mindsets, histories and strengths.

Above all, Syracuse is full of student leaders who would rather spend breaks on relief trips to ravaged areas of the world instead of watching “Parks and Recreation” for the third time from their couches. SU is made up of students who pride themselves on their involvement and aren’t afraid to stand up for their views, no matter how they’re received. It’s this strength that makes us so special.

Like many second-semester seniors who are about to enter the “real world,” I want to proudly say I was able to get involved and leave my mark in the Syracuse community. But there is still so much more I wish I could’ve done and opportunities I wish I could’ve taken advantage of that I didn’t know about until recently. Every school and community has a hierarchy. Some organizations, events and people get more attention than others.

My four years as a Cusechella resident have taught me there’s more to student life than what you usually see on your guilty pleasure Freeform show of choice. This column will shed light on the groups that are quiet forces making change without the headlines. They are the ones that deserve their due. Let their strengths guide my words.

Oh, yeah. And Mom, you the real MVP.

Obi Afriyie is a senior cultural foundations of education and history dual major. His column appears biweekly. He can be reached at

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