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Letters To The Editor

New York State must shift its focus when it comes to climate change

To the editor,

I understand that the Department of Public Service and the New York Independent System Operator are considering carbon pricing options for New York’s wholesale electricity markets. While this may be a step forward, it is a small step for a state that barely burns any oil or coal to generate electricity. The thing we burn most is natural gas.

Natural gas produces methane emissions, which are much more potent than carbon dioxide emissions. To amp up the fight against climate change, New York must focus on methane emissions as well. But the state seems to be moving forward with plans to build natural gas conversion power plants, which will import gas from out of state through a labyrinth of pipelines. This would be a big step backwards in the fight against climate change.

New York needs to invest in clean, green renewable energy like wind and solar and invest more into energy efficiency. Governor Cuomo can lead by taking New York off fossil fuels and to 100 percent renewable energy.


Maiko Patschke

New York Public Interest Research Group intern, PL and volunteer

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