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Student Association

Former Mastoloni campaign manager Austin Galovski issues statement about resignation

Austin Galovski, who recently resigned as Charlie Mastoloni’s Student Association presidential campaign manager, released a statement Wednesday afternoon explaining his side of the conversation he had with a reporter from The Daily Orange on Tuesday evening.

In this conversation, Galovski appears to say that the Mastoloni campaign exchanged a position in its potential administration for Andrew Brendel, another SA presidential candidate, dropping from the race and endorsing Mastoloni.

After reading Galovski’s quote, Eric Evangelista’s campaign recommended that the SA Judicial Review Board investigate Mastoloni’s campaign for bribery. If it is found to be true, Mastoloni’s campaign could be disqualified and Evangelista would be the only presidential candidate remaining.

Here is Galovski’s full statement:

“As you are aware, I’ve decided to resign from my post as the campaign manager of Charlie Mastoloni’s presidential campaign. This decision stems from a variety of personal reasons, but is due partly to my desire to avoid bringing more harm to Charlie and Jessica.

“I would like to take this opportunity to clarify some of the misunderstandings that have been circulating campus today, in reference to my own personal interactions with Andrew Brendel.

“First, at the time Brendel contacted me, he made it very clear that he had made his decision to drop from the campaign. I spoke to him within the context of our mutual understanding of the finality of his resignation, regardless of the outcome of the conversation. His purpose for approaching our campaign was to say that he was willing to endorse us in his public statement regarding his campaign withdrawal, or closely thereafter.

“Next, when speaking to the Daily Orange, I alone paraphrased the entire conversation that took place with Brendel on Tuesday. At no point has Brendel or Mastoloni confirmed the allegations that Brendel was promised a position, and they will not, because that decision was not made.

“Addressing those allegations directly, Brendel was not promised a position. Based on my own quote, he expressed interest in the possibility of a role in our administration. At no point in my quote is there any explicit confirmation of such a position being awarded, nor is there any mention of any SA position at any point in the conversation, outside of my own paraphrasing of Brendel’s words. Therefore, it is difficult for me to understand how I was paraphrased as giving confirmation of that.

“The only confirmation that I give in my interview is a confirmation of our willingness to work with Brendel in general, and do whatever we can to help him achieve the change he wants to see on this campus. I explicitly state, ‘We said we would help him achieve whatever he wanted to achieve, if it was within our power to do so.’

“At the conclusion of my interview with the Daily Orange, and in reference to Brendel’s potential endorsement of Mastoloni, I explicitly state, ‘We’re (the reporter and I) both pretty aware that this is not concrete until he gives you an official statement,’ at which point the reporter audibly agrees, and I continue, ‘We (our campaign) are by no means assuming that it’s concrete,” at which point the reporter acknowledges, ‘Ok.’ However, the article portrays concreteness and finality in its paraphrasing of my own supposed confirmation of Brendel’s appointment.

“So, there is no explicit confirmation of Brendel being awarded a position. There is no explicit statement from Mastoloni or Brendel stating that a position was awarded. At the time of the interview, there wasn’t even official confirmation of Brendel’s endorsement. There is, however, specific acknowledgment, shared between the reporter and I, of the nonbinding nature of the conversation with Brendel earlier that evening.

“Finally, I want to apologize for the stress and misunderstanding that my interactions with the Daily Orange have caused to Charlie Mastoloni, Jessica Brosofsky, and the entire campaign. These people are my good friends, and I believe in them wholeheartedly. This election will be over in 48 hours. Let’s turn our attention to the candidates and their platforms, and make sure that we all participate in the vote.”

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